During my stay in Bangkok in November 2023, I had the opportunity to meet probably the most famous and successful radio amateur in Asia: Champ E21EIC and his lovely wife Goi, E20NKB.
Champ is not only known by his own call sign, but also by E2A, under which he and his crew wins almost every major contest in Asia. In addition, he is probably known to most active DXers through many DX expeditions like XW1IC, XW4XR, 3W3B, OJ0A, HS60RAST to name just a few.
Thank you Champ and Goi for the lovely day and the meal together. We’ll meet again soon!
Tag Archives: Eyeball
Meeting EA1IW
During my holiday in Northern Spain I had the opportunity to visit my radio friend Toni, EA1IW, and his family in Vargas. We had interesting technical talks and a good time together. Thank you Toni and see you soon over the moon!
Meeting VK6MK & VK6KCC (VK6NC Club)
During my trip across Western Australia this January – February 2020 I had the pleasure to meet some Ham-Radio friends I knew from Hf contacts and from the EME Group.
Stuart, VK6MK, and his wife Jennifer live in Australind, a beautiful small town south of Perth. I met Stuart several times on Hf and we spent some nice hours in his beautiful home. Thanks for your kind hospitality folks!
Alex, VK6KCC, is one of the 2m EME gang, living north of Perth. He is member of the NCRG, Northern Corridor Radio Group from Western Australia. This Group is located within Whiteman Park and is home of the Neil Penfold State Amateur Radio Centre (NPSARC) and antenna farm. VK6ANC, one of the club callsigns, is very active on the bands. VK6NC, the other callsign, now appears in most of the big contests. The Group is very well equipped and active from 1.8 MHz to 10 GHz. Thank you Alex for the nice discussions and explaining us your Clubstation!
19th SP VHF/UHF/SHF EME Meeting 2017
On August 18 – 20, 2017, the 19th Technical Convention and Meeting of the EME + Microwave Amateur Radio Group Poland was held in the new Hotel Morawa (JO80KG64LV) near the small town Stronie Slatskie. Stanislaw SP6ASD, SP6JLW and SP6OPN and Team organized a perfect meeting with interesting lectures and more than 100 guests.
Presentations by OK1DFC (“1 kW SSPA for 23cm”), OK1UFL/OK1FPC (“47 GHz Transverters”) and OK1AIY (“24 GHz Transverter”) were only some of them. Practically Zdenek, OK1DFC, shows very impressive live 10 GHz EME activity with his portable 1.8m dish setup. A Flea market and Gala dinner were also important parts of this meeting. It was a great pleasure for me to meet old and new friends. Thanks for organizing this very nice weekend!
Some more pictures and impressions are here.
Meeting 9H1TX
During the Easter-vacation on Malta I met David, 9H1TX. We never had a contact before on any band but when we met at ON4KST-chat, David invited me to visit him at his QTH in Zurrieq and so I did. David is a very nice guy and an enthusiasic Radio Amateur, mainly working on 2m and 6m. He has an excellent takeoff especially into Central Europe. Hopefully we’ll meet on one of the bands before too long. Thanks for your hospitality and a nice afternoon talk with you David!