Activities on Hf (1.8 – 30 MHz)


Spiderbeam 20-10m at 40 ft atop, antennas for 2m / 70cm/ 23cm / 3cm during a starry night at full moon

At present I am working now with a homemade inverted L- antenna for 160 – 30m, mounted along a 15 m fiberglass-mast. For the higher bands I use a Spiderbeam. With an Elecraft K3 and an ICOM IC-735 Transceiver I am active mostly in CW and FT8 mode.


Equipment for Shortwave:

Transceiver Amplifier Antenna
1x Elecraft K3 + P3,
1x Icom IC735
1 x Acom,
1 x HA8UG
Inv. L-Ant. 1.8…10 MHz
Spiderbeam 14…30 MHz
Status: Active

Worked DXCC – Entities (= Countries) per band:

DXCC Total DXCC by Modes Bandpoints
(max. 340) CW SSB DIGI Challenge 5-Band WARC
338 333 318 306 2.594 1.412 918
DXCC – Countries worked on different Bands
160 m 80 m 60 m 40 m 30 m 20 m 17 m 15 m 12 m 10 m
135 203 95 290 317 326 318 304 283 289

But there is still some work to do. Here are my “Most wanted” to complete all 340 entities:

# 339 KH3 – Johnston Isl. // Oceania
# 340 KH7K – Kure Isl. // Oceania

That’s all folks! Hopefully I can complete some time…!