3 ft Offset-dish for 10 GHz
11W Pa, Transverter, OCXO and the 0.8 dB Preamp are inside the feedhorn box. The second box atop the tower hosts the powersupply.
For more pictures see the “Projects” section.
Transceiver | Amplifier | Antenna |
Transceiver FT290R / SDR Transverter OCXO / Preamp 0,8 dB NF |
10.6 W output | 90 cm offset dish |
Status: QRT 08/2018 |
Standings on 10.368 MHz:
MHz |
Locator |
Longest distance [km] |
Tropo |
Rainscatter |
.. | ||||
10.368 |
59 |
18 |
753 |
919 |
.. |
DXCC’s worked on 10 GHz:
9A, DL, F, G, HA, HB, HB0, I, LX, OE, OK, OM, ON, OZ, PA0, S5, SM, SP.
After countless attempts I was very lucky to complete with Claudio, I4XCC via Rainscatter on July 29, 2005 in CW and SSB with 59s/59s signals over a distance of 870 km!
The same day I had another breath taking SSB contact with Cesare, I6XCK/6 in JN63QN over 919 km, a new 10 GHz distance record for me.