VHF Contest July 2017

Due to the bad weather, conditions during this years July-Contest 144 MHz were quite normal but with good periodes on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, especially into southeastern directions. Activity from Switzerland and Austria were good as well due to other Regional Contests there. Technically the loss of my rotors display on late Saturday night makes it very hard to find the correct directions and I always had to run upstairs and look outside to see where the antenna was pointing to. A real radio sports weekend …

All together some 62.000 points, 181 QSO’s from 50 squares and 14 DXCC are the final result. It seems that this is close to the limit without calling “cq” and just s&p (search & pound) regarding to another active HAM in the very neighbourhood.


Graphics: green – CW // red – SSB

The Top Ten DX contacts …
