After spending countless hours over the past days listening into the noise and watching for the first 144 MHz ES-opening, this morning was breathtaking. 6m and 4m were open quite early and MUF raised quickly upon 144 MHz direction east. The band opened at 09:58 and closed around 12:45 UT! In times 144.300 sounds like one of the HF-bands. As a big surprise I worked my first UA4 station on 2m! Totally 6 new squares and best DX RA4A (LO20) 2.427 km!
Heard but not worked were UR5UI (KN59), R3WW (KO81) and UA4AQL (LO20).
More informations about this opening are here.
Sunday evening ended with a little surprise, when suddenly the band opened here for just some minutes to UA3 – long enough to work these stations:
More informations about this opening are here.